Project 10X

Corporations & Foundations

Your investment in Project 10X can generate significant and long-term economic and social returns. There are many ways to engage with 10X, including:

  • Grants to seed new ideas and scale proven approaches, as well as provide technical assistance and capacity building support to  help sustain and grow  minority-led small businesses, developers of color, non-profits, and other mission-driven organizations. While Project 10X is a 10-year initiative, grants to LISC may be structured a single or multi-year investment.  
  • Low-interest loans to provide the flexible capital BIPOC-led entities need to reach beyond current credit constraints and expand opportunities for homebuyers and business owners to increase their wealth.
  • Equity to strengthen BIPOC-led businesses, financial institutions, and venture capital funds and to create the suite of financial tools needed for minority-led enterprises in the market.

We also recognize the talent of our partners’ employees. We encourage multifaceted partnerships that draw on these talents, and will work with you to develop meaningful ways to engage your employees in the work you are supporting.

To learn more about institutional giving or investing opportunities in Project 10X, contact us at To make an individual donation, please click here.