Child Care Resource Guide Series

4.26.2024 -

Maintaining Your Child Care Facility Investment

This webinar offers guidance on developing a maintenance and inspection program and tips based on common uses of early childhood facility grant funding.

4.12.2022 -

Creating Quality School-Age Child Care Space

This guide offers strategies for designing and equipping space in a way that supports program goals and activities.

4.12.2022 -

Child Care Center Design

This resource highlights the connection between well-designed space and high quality programming.

4.12.2022 -

Greening Early Childhood Centers

This guide focuses on high-impact green design and capital investment strategies that can be implemented over the long term.

4.12.2022 -

Child Care Center Equipment & Furnishings

This guide is designed to help you with selecting furnishings and equipment that make your space usable and comfortable, child-safe and child-friendly, and attractive and functional for your needs.

4.12.2022 -

The ABCs of Child Care

This guide was created to introduce community development organizations to the child care field, and help them partner effectively with early care and education providers to build or improve their facilities.

4.12.2022 -

Child Care Center Playgrounds

This guide assists with the planning of an early childhood facilities outdoor space to achieve a successful natural environment for young children.

4.12.2022 -

Child Care Center Facilities Development & Financing

This guide identifies all of the steps in the real estate development and financing process.