
4.04.2024 -

LISC and Coalition Partners Awarded $2 Billion via National Clean Investment Fund

LISC is one of five organizations leading Power Forward Communities, a new coalition investing in green housing and jobs to support economic opportunity and climate resilience. Today, the EPA awarded the coalition $2 billion to implement a decarbonization strategy that also lifts up under-resourced communities—making housing more affordable, mitigating climate impacts and improving local health.

6.20.2023 -

TDG Scientific: Financing Resiliency and Growth with Support from LISC and Abbott

The economic downturn of 2008 forced retired Fortune 100 executive, Artura Taylor, back into the workforce. Instead of working for someone else, she launched her own business, TDG Scientific, to supply lab equipment, chemicals, PPE, and more to the corporate and government sectors. Like many Black business owners, Taylor found it difficult to access capital to scale her business. Thanks to financing through the Abbott-LISC Initiative to Support Diverse Businesses in Health, Taylor’s business now has the resources to invest in its IT infrastructure and grow its bid department to pursue more contracts.

4.12.2023 -

Economic Mobility Corps Fuels CDFI Financial Resiliency Programs

The Economic Mobility Corps program is investing in the capacity of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) while expanding inclusive access to workforce development opportunities within the field.

10.20.2022 -

Choosing Revitalization Over Demolition in Toledo

East Toledo’s Masonic Temple once held a stately presence on Fourth and Main. With support from LISC, a local developer is reclaiming its historic prominence in the neighborhood, converting it into 42 units of affordable senior housing.

3.30.2022 -

Abbott and LISC Team Up to Address Diversity and Equity Gaps in the Healthcare Industry Supply Chain

A new $37.5 million initiative will empower and grow diverse small businesses that provide manufacturing and essential products for healthcare companies. The Abbott-LISC collaboration aims to break down systemic barriers to success, increase diversity, generate jobs and strengthen economies in underinvested communities.


Investing in Diversity Strengthens Small Businesses, Supply Chains

In a new blog, LISC CEO Lisa Glover takes a closer look at LISC’s innovative collaboration with Abbott to fuel diverse suppliers in the healthcare field—supporting inclusive gains in jobs, health and family incomes as well. “All told, the program is a pro-growth, pro-equity model for small business financing that is designed to have a long-term impact well beyond the work being done today,” she writes.