Special Needs Network

About the project

Special Needs Network (SNN) is a social services nonprofit responding to the unique needs of individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities in underserved communities. SNN's programs and campaigns bring change through legislation and policy, as well as through direct collaboration with parents, caretakers, social justice organizations, and healthcare professionals.

SNN is located in Los Angeles, CA. 

As part of their work, SNN contracts with insurance companies to provide behavioral therapy services to low-income, special needs children. A $332,200 LISC line of credit (LOC) helps SNN to bridge the receivables of four insurance contracts during high cost months and slower reimbursement periods. The LOC allows SNN to free up their cash on hand to build up their reserves and to invest in the growth of their staff to meet the needs of the community, including the hiring of an additional 120-130 therapists. 

More LISC Lending's Project Profiles


Special Needs Network, Inc.


Los Angeles, CA

Total Investment:



130 jobs created or preserved

Project Category:

Access to Essential Services


Community Services


Line of Credit

