
6.24.2024 -

LISC + State Farm: Celebrating More Than Two Decades of Impact

State Farm has committed a new $2 million, one-year grant to support affordable housing, small business, income and wealth building, and healthy food access. With the new grant, State Farm’s support for LISC now totals $155 million since 2000! We celebrate this renewed commitment by reflecting on our impact together over more than two decades.

1.30.2024 -

Kaiser Permanente + LISC: Addressing Economic Factors That Impact Community Health

A healthy community isn’t just about access to high-quality, reliable health care. Individuals and families also need access to good jobs, opportunities to build wealth, and thriving, locally-owned businesses. Kaiser Permanente understands how economic factors can shape well-being, especially in communities of color that often don’t benefit from regional or national prosperity. Learn how LISC is collaborating with Kaiser Permanente to support locally-driven strategies that spark economic growth in under-invested places.

1.16.2024 -

How LISC’s Health Access Fund and Uber Are Easing the Journey to Better Health

LISC’s Health Access Fund helps people living on low incomes, in rural and urban places, get to and from the destinations that play into their health and well being, from doctor's appointments to social service centers to the grocery store. Last year, with support from Uber, PayPal, and Walgreens, that amounted to 137,000 rides, helping upend a host of barriers to accessing healthcare and essential services.

11.09.2023 -

Thanking Veterans for Their Service, One Bag of Groceries at a Time

Diana Gregory Outreach Services (DGOS) began as a grocery-delivery service out of a pick-up truck in 2009. Since then, the organization has grown to support 20,000 seniors, many of whom are veterans, with its mobile food drives and nutrition education initiatives. With support from the Walmart Foundation, a LISC Equitable Food Access grant is helping DGOS hire more staff and increase the number of veterans and others they can serve.

11.08.2023 -

LISC Twin Cities Celebrates $1 Billion in Investments in the Twin Cities

As it celebrates its 35th Anniversary, LISC Twin Cities announced another major milestone: $1 billion dollars of investments. Over three and a half decades, LISC Twin Cities has channeled all of this capital into transformative organizations and projects, strengthened community development infrastructure and changed systems that create and perpetuate inequality of opportunity.

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9.21.2023 -

The Difference a Ride Can Make

An article in QCity Metro describes the life-changing impact of LISC and Uber's partnership, the Health Access Fund, offering free rides to medical and other appointments that contribute to health and wellbeing. In Charlotte, NC, as in other cities where the Fund operates, rides are coordinated through locally rooted groups like Care Ring, a 70-year-old community organization that since March has been able to offer 2,600 rides to primary and specialist care appointments, food access points, case management meetings and much more.