
5.30.2024 -

Building Inclusive and Healthy Neighborhoods, Block by Block: Findings from 11 Neighborhoods Nationwide

A new report from Brookings Metro examines LISC’s community-centered economic inclusion initiative, which centers neighborhoods as the key setting for driving strong regional economies. The lessons in this report make one thing clear: To truly transform the prosperity and well-being of entire cities and regions, it’s past time to abandon top-down or “trickle-down” approaches and embrace the actionable, community-rooted models that have demonstrated impact in cities and neighborhoods nationwide.  Image courtesy of Jana River Medlock Photography

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3.28.2024 -

Bridge Builders for Stronger Communities: The Women of LISC’s Local Advisory Committees

LISC’s Local Advisory Committees (LACs) serve as guides and champions for the organization’s many local offices and rural program. Women leaders from the finance, philanthropy, government and community development worlds bring a special—and especially important—set of skills and insights to this critical, behind-the-scenes part of our work to strengthen communities.

1.30.2024 -

Kaiser Permanente + LISC: Addressing Economic Factors That Impact Community Health

A healthy community isn’t just about access to high-quality, reliable health care. Individuals and families also need access to good jobs, opportunities to build wealth, and thriving, locally-owned businesses. Kaiser Permanente understands how economic factors can shape well-being, especially in communities of color that often don’t benefit from regional or national prosperity. Learn how LISC is collaborating with Kaiser Permanente to support locally-driven strategies that spark economic growth in under-invested places.

11.20.2023 -

2023 LISC Small Business Holiday Gift Guide

This holiday season, support LISC small business borrowers and find the perfect gift for everyone on your list! All of the businesses featured here have received LISC capital to acquire their location, hire new staff, or increase inventory to help their business grow.

Four people kneeling over a flower garden
9.12.2023 -

Parent-Led Nonprofit Builds Housing for Adult Children with Disabilities with $12.5 Million from LISC

With disability diagnoses on the rise, and an acute affordable housing crisis in full swing, the need for supportive housing for adults with disabilities has never been greater. In California, LISC construction financing from the Partnership for the Bay’s Future fund is helping nonprofit Big Wave Project open a visionary housing community that addresses this critical gap.

2.16.2023 -

Umpqua Bank Partners with LISC to Expand Affordable Homeownership Programs in West Coast Communities

With a new grant from Umpqua Bank, LISC is working with local organizations in three states to fuel equitable homeownership opportunities in low-to-moderate income communities, especially for people of color. "This kind of capacity-building support is like oxygen for nonprofits, and we are so grateful to Umpqua for recognizing the value of flexible funding for racial equity in homeownership,” said LISC President Denise Scott.