
5.28.2024 -

From Housing to Economic Mobility: Inside LISC’s Strategies for Change with CEO Michael T. Pugh

In a wide-ranging interview with Denver Fredericks, host of the Business of Giving podcast, LISC CEO Michael T. Pugh describes the pillars of LISC's work investing in communities and what's on the horizon for the CDFI under his leadership. "[We] can be a real catalyst for economic development in communities," says Pugh. "And frankly the best is yet to come."

5.23.2024 -

To Safeguard Homes in California, Promote Affordability Through the Foreclosure Intervention Housing Preservation Program

California’s recently formed Foreclosure Intervention Housing Preservation Program (FIHPP) is poised to fund nonprofit housing groups to buy rental properties in or at risk of foreclosure and quickly convert them to long-term affordable housing. Now, FIHPP is hanging in the legislative balance. LISC’s Tahirih Zigler and Enterprise Community Partners’ Jacqueline Waggoner weigh in on the imperative of safeguarding the program to help spare many Californians from the preventable tragedies of displacement and homelessness.


How the Federal Reserve and LISC are Supporting Families with Heirs’ Property

Natavia lives in the 800 square-foot family house her grandmother bought on the east side of Jacksonville, Florida almost 80 years ago. Natavia is the third generation to call the property home. “I value the house for the memories,” she said. “I grew up spending the summers with my grandma, hearing the stories of her walking to work way on the other side of town, just to have a home.”


LISC’s CEO Talks Affordable Housing, Affirmative Action and Committing to a Green Future

In a Q+A with ImpactAlpha, Michael T. Pugh delves into the ways community development finance must operate in the wake of new affirmative action legislation, and what the big-ticket items on LISC’s 2024 investment list are, including small business support and green jobs and homes.

Local LISC Leadership Gets the Spotlight

A recent spate of articles about LISC local office leaders shine a bright light onto the commitment, expertise and hard work our executive directors bring to the complex and demanding job of investing in communities that have been marginalized. Check out these conversations with Hampton Roads, Virginia's Jay Grant, New York's Valerie White, and Jacksonville's Dr. Irvin Cohen.


Op-ed: Congress Can Help Make Housing Affordable — It Just Has to Act

The country needs a renewed commitment to affordable housing production programs, including expansion of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit and enactment of the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act, argue LISC board chair Robert E. Rubin and former U.S. senator Rob Portman in a joint op-ed in The Hill. "Fixing the chronic shortage of affordable and available housing for low-income renters and first-time homebuyers requires immediate intervention and long-term commitment,” they stress.