

How the Federal Reserve and LISC are Supporting Families with Heirs’ Property

Natavia lives in the 800 square-foot family house her grandmother bought on the east side of Jacksonville, Florida almost 80 years ago. Natavia is the third generation to call the property home. “I value the house for the memories,” she said. “I grew up spending the summers with my grandma, hearing the stories of her walking to work way on the other side of town, just to have a home.”

10.04.2023 -

Single-family Zoning as a Tool of Segregation: The Case of San Diego and What Can Be Done

LISC San Diego executive director Ricardo Flores is featured in a deep dive by the city's public broadcasting station on how, beginning in the early 20th century, single-family zoning worked to racially and economically segregate San Diego—and keep it that way. Flores describes LISC's and other collective efforts to dismantle the status quo in the effort to create diverse, affordable neighborhoods.


Anatomy of a Small Biz Partnership with Kevin Hart

Steve Hall, LISC’s vp for small business lending, recently joined entrepreneurship columnist Gene Marks on the Paychex Thrive podcast to describe how LISC’s partnership with Kevin Hart and his Gran Coramino tequila brand gets grants to Black and Latinx small biz owners—and why that’s so important. Part of the beauty of the collaboration, said Hall, is how Hart puts his all into creating opportunity for others, “even through his comedy.”

Paychex Thrive Podcast  
6.29.2023 -

Heirs Property and Foreclosure: How LISC is Helping Solve the “Biggest Problem Most People Have Never Heard Of”

A deeply reported article in the Miami Herald highlights LISC Jacksonville’s crucial role in supporting Black families with heirs’ property problems, helping them sort out titling issues, avoid the threat of foreclosure and find home maintenance resources. As Dr. Irvin Cohen, executive director of LISC Jax, describes it, for many Black families, solving heirs property issues is a key means to “prop up family wealth creation…and avert a homelessness situation.”

5.23.2023 -

Getting to the “Tipping Point”: LISCers Describe the Why and How of Connecting Entrepreneurs of Color With Capital and Know-how

In a series of videos from JP Morgan Chase on how the bank's impact investments are helping BIPOC small businesses grow, George Ashton, president of LISC Fund Management, and Sonja Dean, program officer at LISC Kalamazoo, describe their motivation for connecting entrepreneurs of color with the loans, networks and knowledge base they need to thrive.

2.02.2023 -

Nurturing Diverse Real Estate Developers in the Twin Cities

A Minneapolis Post columnist takes an in-depth look LISC Twin Cities’ Development of Color initiative, which has cultivated a cohort of visionary BIPOC developers committed to making a difference in their communities. The program helps equip them with the tools and resources needed to tackle barriers in their markets, including bridging gaps in accessing equity financing, “a key to broadening who works in real estate,” writes the author. “For these developers of color, there’s the equity gap, and then there’s the equity gap. This program is aimed at solving both of those problems.” The excerpt below was originally published on MinnPost: Twin Cities org gives tools, support to developers of color​​​​​​​ By Bill Lindeke