
5.30.2024 -

Building Inclusive and Healthy Neighborhoods, Block by Block: Findings from 11 Neighborhoods Nationwide

A new report from Brookings Metro examines LISC’s community-centered economic inclusion initiative, which centers neighborhoods as the key setting for driving strong regional economies. The lessons in this report make one thing clear: To truly transform the prosperity and well-being of entire cities and regions, it’s past time to abandon top-down or “trickle-down” approaches and embrace the actionable, community-rooted models that have demonstrated impact in cities and neighborhoods nationwide.  Image courtesy of Jana River Medlock Photography

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9.27.2023 -

New Research Shows What Community Development Organizations Need Most: Support to Grow Their Organizational Capacity

Recent research highlights the importance and needs of nonprofit community development organizations. LISC’s Mark Kudlowitz examines how this data informs our work and the need for additional resources to support these groups’ abilities to help communities across the country.

8.09.2023 -

Federal Programs in Action: How Funding Fuels Social and Economic Gains

In a new blog, LISC’s Matt Josephs connects the dots from community development policy discussions to actual funding streams, highlighting positive local outcomes that would not otherwise move forward. "It would be nearly impossible to unlock the tens of billions of dollars of private financing needed each year to scale up progress without strong federal support,” he writes. "We are grateful for the confidence federal agencies have shown in LISC and others in the community development finance field…"

Family of four stands outside their home on their front porch.
5.23.2023 -

A Playbook for Our Future: LISC Unveils Its 2023–2024 Policy Priorities

Strong public policies have always been critical to promoting affordable housing, economic development, health, and jobs. The urgency surrounding these issues remains ever-present. LISC SVP for Policy Matt Josephs zeroes in on the goals of LISC’s federal policy agenda in a blog highlighting proposals that tackle gaps in health, wealth and opportunity affecting millions of families and their communities.

1.17.2023 -

A LISC Fellowship Comes to an End, But the People and Work It Nurtured Are Forging Ahead

The Rubinger Community Fellowship has come to an end after five years, having supported more than four dozen community developers in mid-career with funding and professional support. According to the Fellows, the time and space for ideation and experimentation it afforded them were a rare gift, and will continue to bear fruit for years to come.

7.28.2022 -

A LISC Program to Train Affordable Housing Developers is Sparking New Work—and Networks—in Newark

LISC has been running its Housing Development Training Institute programs for more than 30 years, helping emerging affordable housing professionals hone their skills and make connections. Now LISC Newark has launched its own HDTI to grow the pool of developers of color and reinvigorate industry networks that are imperative to accessing capital and creating the quality affordable housing that New Jersey communities desperately need.