Local Highlights
Bay Area
By the numbers,
- $570.6 million
- $2.2 billion
- 1.37 million sq. ft.
- 6,474 (LISC)
3,708 (Affiliates)
10,182 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Building Sustainable Neighborhoods and a Sustainable Region
Founded in 1981, Bay Area LISC has been a leader in helping build sustainable, equitable and healthy communities locally and regionally. From affordable housing to economic development, food access to transit-oriented development, and building strong leaders to building strong organizations, Bay Area LISC has been a trailblazer in moving community organizations and policymakers toward equitable, green, and inclusive approaches. Today, Bay Area LISC’s work utilizes cross-sector collaborations, community organizing and planning as vehicles to build sustainable communities.
Promoting Healthy Communities
Bay Area LISC takes a multi-faceted approach to creating healthy communities. We support community transit planning; safe routes to school; access to healthy food through grocery stores, Community Supported Agriculture and farmers’ markets; school playing field renovation; joint school and community use of recreational and cultural facilities; health assessments and care in school settings; and community safety programs.
Enhancing Access to Quality Education
Bay Area LISC provides grant funds and technical assistance to improve academic goals and to create strong community-school relationships. At Oakland’s Garfield Elementary School, for example, Bay Area LISC supports programs that encourage parent involvement and education, lower absenteeism rates, and create revised curriculum to move children to reading at a grade level.
Investing in Physical Development
Bay Area LISC’s financing has created over 10,000 affordable homes and over 1 million square feet of commercial and community facilities space. Complimenting our investments in the physical realm is our support of Bay Area nonprofit community development organizations through a multiplicity of programs such as intensive housing development courses and peer networks for senior managers. Our Green Connections program helps ensure that the homes are environmentally sound and promote the overall sustainability of the neighborhood.