Local Highlights
Greater Cincinnati &
Northern Kentucky
By the numbers,
- $47.3 million
- $245.3 million
- 964,663 sq. ft.
- 1,561
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Comprehensive Community Revitalization
In 2010, Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky LISC continued to co-manage a Sustainable Communities program called Place Matters. This regional initiative is designed to advance comprehensive community initiatives in three neighborhoods: Covington in Kentucky and Avondale and Price Hill in Cincinnati. This unique collaborative has increased capacity of neighborhood service providers and empowered residents to help shape the neighborhood plans that drive revitalization. The Place Matters funders’ collaborative includes United Way, Greater Cincinnati Foundation, SC Ministries Foundation, NeighborWorks America, PNC Bank, JPMorgan Chase, and Haile Foundation.
Expanding Investment in Real Estate
LISC provided bridge funding, lines of credit and acquisition funds to help local CDCs, including Place Matters lead agencies, leverage their Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) allocations. LISC GCNK, in partnership with Hamilton County, the City of Cincinnati, the Model Group and Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, was awarded a $24 million NSP2 grant, providing further funding for physical revitalization in Place Matters neighborhoods.
Building Family Income & Wealth
LISC partnered with United Way to promote financial stability by establishing four Financial Opportunity Centers. LISC provided resources including technical assistance and training for financial literacy programs. LISC GCNK was one of nine local LISC programs awarded $4.2 million through the Social Innovation Fund, which will provide $500,000 a year for three years to fund the four Financial Opportunity Centers in our region.
Stimulating Economic Activity
LISC GCNK invested in two transformational projects in 2010, providing a $445,000 bridge loan for state historic tax credits to the Vernon Manor Hotel, a landmark preservation project that provides office space for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. We also provided $13.95 million in New Market Tax Credits to the redevelopment of Historic Washington Park. The park, one of the oldest in the city, plays a critical role in a massive effort to remake Cincinnati’s historic Over-the-Rhine neighborhood.
Improving Access to Education
LISC GCNK helped establish an International Welcome Center at Roberts Paideia Academy using HUD Sec. 4 funding and providing LISC AmeriCorps members to assist with coordinating resources at the Center. Families now have access to English as a Second Language classes, parent support groups, financial education, employment assistance, computer usage and other activities offered by the school and community organizations.
Fostering Livable & Healthy Environments
LISC GCNK has supported the development and maintenance of five community gardens throughout our Place Matters neighborhoods. NFL grants in 2010 included $100,000 to Midway School in Westwood for a new natural-turf field and $200,000 to the Clinton-Massie Local School District for a $500,000 renovation of its community football field.