Local Highlights
Mid South Delta
By the numbers,
- $54.8 million
- $170.8 million
- 291,377 sq. ft.
1,809 (LISC)
514 (Affiliates)
2,323 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Advancing Comprehensive Revitalization
Mid South Delta LISC provides training, technical assistance, loans, and grants to 56 distressed counties and parishes in the Delta region of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Since 2008, Mid South Delta LISC has developed Quality-of-Life plans in three Delta communities as it adapts LISC’s national Building Sustainable Communities strategy to the region. As the cornerstone of this work, project managers are working with local partners in each site to successfully implement the resident-led plans and to leverage investment into previously disinvested communities. LISC is working to make these distressed Delta communities better places to live, work, and raise children.
Investing in the Physical Environment & Helping Low-Income Families Build Wealth
Through the Delta Homeownership Initiative, Mid South Delta LISC supports multiple projects in the tri-state area that results in about 75 new homeowners and leverages about $8 million into low-income communities each year. Through LISC’s network of counselors, in 2009 and again in 2010, 800 people per year received financial literacy training, credit counseling, and homebuyer education. Through a $500,000 line of credit to the Canton Housing Authority in 2010, 36 homes for ownership will be renovated for low-income families.
Expanding Investment in Affordable Housing
Arkansas and Mississippi are two of only 12 states nationwide that do not have public funds dedicated to the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing. As a result, Mid South Delta LISC’s recent public policy efforts have included a multi-state strategy supporting the creation of affordable housing trust funds.
Capacity Building & Training
Through a recent grant from USDA Rural Development, Mid South Delta LISC will train rural CDCs in best practices in green development. Additionally, other nonprofit affordable housing clients working in the region will receive business planning support, board development training, and financial management training.