Local Highlights
Rhode Island
By the numbers,
- $239.4 million
- $912.2 million
- 1.7 million sq. ft.
5,516 (LISC)
1,446 (Affiliates)
6,962 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
A Vision for "Our Neighborhoods"
Since 2007, Rhode Island LISC has centered its work around the "Our Neighborhoods" initiative in two targeted communities: Providence’s Olneyville and Woonsocket’s Constitution Hill/Fairmount neighborhoods. Focusing on building relationships, intentionally linking investments and supporting innovation that strengthens neighborhood quality of life, Our Neighborhoods has built a track record of success and in 2011 will begin work in a third neighborhood, Providence’s West End.
Improving Access to Quality Education, Training & Family Services
In 2011, Rhode Island LISC will celebrate 10 years of investing in child care facilities throughout the state. LISC’s investments have supported the development of more than 6,600 new or improved child care slots. This includes the Hope Street Family Resource Center in Woonsocket, a facility for 110 children built with New Markets Tax Credits from LISC.
Expanding Investment in the Physical Environment
LISC’s investments range from SouthSide Garteways in Providence, which includes 53 apartments and 10 retail spaces for local businesses (including Friendship Café that provides jobs and training to formerly homeless individuals) to The Meadows, an affordable senior living community for 80 residents in North Smithfield. Recently, Olneyville CDC received funding to begin construction of Olney Village – the redevelopment of foreclosed properties into 39 apartments and space for the local food pantry and a community theatre.
Fostering Livable, Safe & Healthy Environments
Five times in five years – 2006 through 2010 – LISC-supported organizations were winners of the MetLife Foundation Community-Police Partnership Award. In 2010, Family Services of Rhode Island and the Providence Police Department were recognized for a multi-lingual social worker-community police effort that resulted in significant crime reduction. In Olneyville, LISC has invested in the new offices of Clinica Esperanza, a free, high-quality health clinic serving families with little or no insurance. LISC’s partner in Woonsocket, RiverzEdge Arts Project won a coveted 2010 National Arts & Humanities Youth Program award and were honored by First Lady Michelle Obama at a White House ceremony.
Building Family Income & Wealth
In 2010, Rhode Island LISC was chosen as one of 10 LISC offices to develop Financial Opportunity Centers, which will serve as one-stop shops where families and individuals can get help with job placement, financial counseling and access to public benefits. Annually, Rhode Island LISC places six to eight AmeriCorps members in neighborhoods, helping grow the next generation of community development leaders.