Local Highlights
Connecticut Statewide
By the numbers,
- $157 million
- $431.8 million
- 300,789 sq. ft.
1,245 (LISC)
1,588 (Affiliates)
2,833 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Investing in the Physical Environment
In the past three years, LISC’s Connecticut Statewide program invested $3.4 million to support the creation of 222 homes and 18,900 square feet of commercial and community space. This investment leveraged over $45 million of development activity in Connecticut cities and towns. LISC also provided capacity building support to community development corporations to enhance their production of new housing and support their asset management of over 2,000 existing affordable homes, helping an estimated 5,500 Connecticut residents.
Building Affordable Housing and Economic Opportunity
Housing Connections of Connecticut, is a Connecticut Statewide LISC program designed to expand affordable housing options in rural and suburban communities. With support from the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (CHFA), LISC provides direct technical assistance, disseminates best practices through regional forums, and offers grants for planning and predevelopment. This program is now working with 30 organizations in 28 towns in six counties. To date, 124 units have been completed and there is a pipeline of 300 more in development.
Developing Healthy Environments with Green Development
Connecticut Statewide LISC provides technical assistance grants and training to promote the use of Green technologies. LISC provided a grant to Neighborhood Housing Services of New Haven for their new Green Lab that will help homeowners to learn about energy efficiency and other green technologies and materials. Litchfield Housing Trust received a grant for environmental design as part of a new homeownership development. LISC also presented several seminars and training programs to assist developers in employing Green techniques in both new and existing buildings.
Creating Access to Quality Early Education
LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids (CICK) is active in Connecticut through the Connecticut Children’s Investment Partnership (CIP). Through CIP, LISC is a leader in providing training, technical assistance and flexible financing for the development of quality child care centers that serve low-income children across Connecticut. Among the recently completed centers is the Good Shepherd Child Development Center in Milford, which is the first Green early childhood facility in the state. CIP has also conducted numerous training seminars for child care providers and has published a series of 5 guides on the different aspects of creating quality facilities. The latest of these is: "Greening Early Childhood Centers."