Local Highlights
Greater Kansas City
By the numbers,
- $130.7 million
- $282.9 million
- 995,466 sq. ft.
- 3,491
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Progressing NeighborhoodsNOW
In 2006, Greater Kansas City LISC launched NeighborhoodsNOW, a multi-year program that brings a truly comprehensive approach to Kansas City neighborhood redevelopment. NeighborhoodsNOW concentrates resources in six neighborhoods (three in Missouri and three in Kansas) with significant forward momentum and the support of high-performing CDCs that act as lead agencies.
Investing in the Physical Environment
NeighborhoodsNOW continues to increase the availability of high-quality housing choices: 35 new single-family homes have been built and sold, 24 rehabs completed and sold, and 203 minor home repair/weatherization projects completed. Many of the new homes are Energy-Star rated, which means homeowners enjoy lower energy bills. In the Douglass-Sumner neighorhood in Kansas City, Kan., two of six new single-family homes are completed. These are the first new homes to be constructed in over 50 years and are a strong first step toward revitalizing a historic neighborhood.
Fostering Safe Neighborhoods
With leadership from Greater Kansas City LISC, several local organizations have come together to create the Northeast HELP Center. Health Education Labor and Public safety services will be provided at one central site on Independence Avenue in Scarritt Renaissance. A strong partnership with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department has been a key to success. LISC supported a Spanish immersion program in partnership with the police, to help bridge relationships with Hispanic business owners and also provided grant funding for police officers to attend a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) train-the-trainer seminar. CPTED training is now a standard offering in our NeighborhoodsNOW communities.
Improving Access to Quality Education
The Upper Room sustained their successful Summer Academic Camp in 2010 thanks to a $2.5 million bridge loan from LISC. This is the third year LISC has funded the eight-week educational program, offered free of charge to elementary and middle school students in low-income communities. "If not for LISC, we could not run the summer program year after year," said Jerry McEvoy, Executive Director of Upper Room. "In one of the toughest economic climates, we have not only maintained the program, but thanks to LISC we have actually expanded it." Upper Room increased their enrollment to 2,700 students at 28 sites in 2010 – up from 1,500 students in 2008.
Stimulating Economic Development
In partnership with the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, Mo., LISC completed a Business District Market Study of Independence Avenue in Scarritt Renaissance. One result is an annual "International Business Crawl," which LISC helps sponsor to promote the avenue’s diverse business offerings. With support from LISC and State Farm, a Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (SSMID) was established in 2008 in Downtown Kansas City, Kan. Since then, new street banners, façade improvements, a monthly SecondFriday’s Art Fair, safety ambassador program and re-entry workforce program are all helping Downtown KCK become a vibrant, safe and inviting commercial district.