Local Highlights
San Diego
By the numbers,
- $186.6 million
- $778 million
- 919,504 sq. ft.
3,878 (LISC)
1,560 (Affiliates)
5,438 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
Neighborhoods First
San Diego LISC invests in revitalizing low-income neighborhoods, including the implementation of its Building Sustainable Communities program, known locally as Neighborhoods First. San Diego LISC is currently implementing Neighborhoods First in two neighborhoods – Colina Park/City Heights and Logan Heights/Memorial – aligning projects and programs with the visions set forth in the communities’ Quality-of-Life plans.
Expanding Investment in Real Estate
LISC provided a nearly $550,000 predevelopment loan to Community HousingWorks for the recapitalization and rehabilitation of a 60-unit, HUD-financed property in the City of Poway. In addition, we allocated resources to continue to support housing and redevelopment strategies in the Greater Logan Heights neighborhood.
Stimulating Economic Activity and Building Family Incomes
Our most substantive Neighborhoods First project was the launch of two Financial Opportunity Centers in the pilot neighborhoods that reached "systems level" in 2010, connecting neighborhood residents to broader city and county-level resources and opportunities. In Colina Park, residents were able to benefit from direct employer hiring and transportation access through International Rescue Committee’s "Center for Financial Opportunity." IRC’s micro-finance program also received support, which led to the creation and expansion of 29 refugee-owned businesses. In Greater Logan Heights, three new workforce development programs were funded through Dept. of Labor, Health and Human Services and private workforce resources. More than 80 residents and youth obtained career certifications or training.
Improving Access to Education
Two full-time LISC AmeriCorps members are working at Crawford High School in Colina Park to improve educational outcomes for students. One member began working to develop youth leadership programs relating to the school’s community garden program, while the other member is working to enhance student academic skills through a Sports Plus incentive program. More than 400 students are benefitting from access to rigorous educational opportunities.
Fostering Livable & Healthy Environments
In 2010, LISC completed a pilot program at three public schools in Neighborhoods First communities aimed in part at combating food insecurity by increasing food stamp participation rates through on-site counseling. Four LISC AmeriCorps members provided school-based counseling to help families enroll in income supports and built relationships with community agencies to provide various programs and services at the schools. More than 720 families were counseled on benefits programs and ultimately received a combined $50,000 in benefits on a monthly basis as a result.