Local Highlights
Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood Development
By the numbers,
- $136.3 million
- $522.2 million
- 769,000 sq. ft.
1,672 (LISC)
274 (Affiliates)
1,946 (Total)
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
The Pittsburgh Partnership for Neighborhood Development (PPND) is the largest community development intermediary in the Greater Pittsburgh area and one of the oldest of its kind in the country. Since 2007, PPND has been the formal partner of national LISC in Southwestern Pennsylvania. In addition to its own programming, PPND originates new programmatic and financing business for LISC within the region.
Comprehensive Community Development
PPND has historically provided operating support to area CDC’s. Since 1985, this operating support has directed between $1.5 and $2 million dollars annually for a total of $50 million dollars and an estimated leverage factor of 4:1. In 2010, PPND formally launched a multi-neighborhood comprehensive community development program. Four targeted geographies or Champion Neighborhoods now receive over 75 percent of all PPND resources, including programming funding, predevelopment grants, technical assistance, financing, and program officer support. Over $1 million in program support is awarded each year in planning, community engagement, organizing and multi-neighborhood collaborative programming. In 2010, over $300,000 was provided in predevelopment grant funding and as a value added, PPND assisted in leveraging an additional $700,000 in program support from other aligned partners and $17 million in NEF New Market Tax Credits for targeted development.
Collaboration and Alignment
PPND convened and manages the Pittsburgh Community Development (CD) Collaborative, which consists of six local intermediaries and technical assistance providers as well as three public agencies. The purpose of the CD Collaborative is to work with the Champion Neighborhoods to craft comprehensive and transformative market-based visions and strategies. Recent successes include innovative collaborative programming in pre-foreclosure mitigation, public safety, commercial corridor improvements, employer-assisted housing, greening, and a locally funded NMTC application of $35 million for targeted development.
Capacity Building and Best Practice
PPND continues to provide capacity funding to areas outside of the Champion Neighborhoods. In 2010, $80,000 was awarded in capacity funding and over $45,000 was awarded for technical assistance and event support; $32,000 was awarded for sponsorships and $80,000 was provided for other community development program support. Through a special investment, PPND provides capacity funding and organizational development assistance to specific first-ring suburbs and pre-development grant funding to area Community Action Agencies. As an agent of best practice, PPND launched a comprehensive community development data system, modeled a pre-development financing and grant program, and continues to provide fee-for-service throughout the Greater Pittsburgh area.