Local Highlights
By the numbers,
- $697.8 million
- $3.6 billion
- 4 million sq. ft.
- 28,974
Total Investment
Dollars Leveraged
Commercial Space
Homes & Apartments
New Communities Program (NCP)
The New Communities Program is a long-term, intensive initiative to support the comprehensive development of 20 Chicago neighborhoods. The program seeks to rejuvenate challenged communities, bolster those in danger of losing ground, and preserve the diversity of areas in the path of gentrification. NCP is LISC’s first Building Sustainable Communities program.
Building Family Income and Wealth
With 12 sites citywide, Chicago is home to LISC’s largest network of Financial Opportunity Centers (known locally as Centers for Working Families), which offer job placement and career advancement services, one-on-one financial coaching, and improved access to public benefits – all aimed at helping families move toward financial stability. In 2010, 14,000 families were served by Chicago’s network. Together, the sites helped more than 1,000 people find jobs, almost 5,000 people develop budgets, and more than 2,000 people obtain income supports worth over $2 million. Four of the Centers assisted in securing $8.7 million in Earned Income Tax Credits for families. Further, to help families weather the foreclosure crisis, LISC worked with the MacArthur Foundation to establish a $1 million fund that enabled seven NCP neighborhoods to develop and implement outreach campaigns aimed at connecting families at risk of foreclosure with institutions and agencies that can help them.
Improving Access to Education
In 2008, LISC launched Elev8, an $18-million education effort funded by Atlantic Philanthropies to provide middle schools in five NCP neighborhoods with extended-day academic programs, on-site health care clinics, and family income and asset building services (via Centers for Working Families). LISC also received $7 million in federal dollars to advance a new partnership with the City of Chicago, philanthropic institutions and technology companies to equip five NCP neighborhoods with high-speed Internet access, affordable hardware and software, and digital education and training through the Smart Communities program. LISC is partnering with Illinois State University and two NCP communities to prepare university students to become teachers in Chicago schools.
Fostering Livable & Healthy Communities
Launched in 2008, Neighborhood Sports Chicago (NSC) helps neighborhood-based organizations engage youth in sports and broader community-building activities. To date, NSC partners have served more than 15,000 young people in programs ranging from sport-specific activities to cross-community tournaments. In eight NCP neighborhoods, LISC/Chicago and local partners have established farmers markets and urban agriculture programs to increase healthy food options. LISC/Chicago’s Elev8 opened health clinics in all five of its designated schools in 2009. Each clinic serves not only the needs of the students but also those of the surrounding community with health screenings, physicals, mental health care, and health education.
Stimulating Economic Activity
LISC’s market research subsidiary, LISC MetroEdge, has conducted retail scans for the commercial corridors in 15 Chicago neighborhoods. Providing basic information to LISC Chicago’s economic development support initiatives, known as RetailEdge, MetroEdge supplies vital tools to local communities for stimulating their markets and fills the information gap for retail users. LISC’s community showcase tours promote the diverse cultural and commercial attractions in Chicago neighborhoods through multimedia projects researched and created by neighborhood leaders in 10 communities.